Embark on a radical journey to elevate your cosmic destiny

Align your Stellar Message™ and

the Soul of Your Brand™

with your unique stellar imprint

through Ixchel's ethical marketing mentorship

Align your Stellar Message™ and

the Soul of Your Brand™

with your unique stellar imprint

through Ixchel's ethical marketing mentorship

Stellar Impression Sessions

a celebrated and innovative synthesis

of Astrology and Human Design with Decolonial, Ethical and Feminist Marketing

a celebrated and innovative synthesis

of Astrology and Human Design with Decolonial, Ethical and Feminist Marketing

Includes a 2-hr Reading,

4 weeks of Flexible Voice Coaching via Voxer (or Telegram) with Ixchel

to map out your IMPRESSIONABLE

Stellar Message that calls in your Soul clients, A Brand Board and Inspo Mood Board

Includes a 2-hr Reading,

4 weeks of Flexible Voice Coaching via Voxer (or Telegram) with Ixchel

to map out your IMPRESSIONABLE

Stellar Message that calls in your Soul clients, A Brand Board and Inspo Mood Board

This Astrology + Human Design Reading is

SO MUCH MORE than a typical reading.

The Stellar Impression Session includes Ixchel's formula for

aligning your stellar imprint with your IMPRESSIONABLE core message and brand style.

This Astrology + Human Design Reading is SO MUCH MORE than a typical reading.

The Stellar Impression Session includes Ixchel's formula for

aligning your stellar imprint with your IMPRESSIONABLE core message and brand style.

The Journey

Here are the key elements of the Stellar Impression Sessions:

💜 Your Birth Chart, AstroBranding® and Human Design Analysis :

Understanding your unique astrological imprint:

• Your AstroBrand® (covering your Strategy, Vision, Implementation, Your “why”, Your “how”, Your Soul client and their characteristics)

• Your Human Design (to see how your Soul clients come to you based on your Human Design, and how you can message from your Design)

By delving into the wisdom held within your cosmic imprint, we will consciously align your IMPRESSIONABLE messaging and brand with your natural strengths and talents.

💙 Decolonial Framework:

As a Decolonial Cosmologist, I reaffirm the importance of dismantling oppressive systems and embracing a holistic, Earth-based, spiritual approach. This means we will work with your ancestral and cultural heritage in a way that is respectful and empowering, allowing your IMPRESSIONABLE messaging to truly resonate with your purpose.

💚 Storytelling Alchemy:

Stories have the power to connect us deeply with our audience. During our sessions, we will explore your meaningful initiations, wisdom and motifs from your life and learn how to artfully weave them into your branding, creating a truly IMPRESSIONABLE narrative of your truest expression.

💛 Tailored Strategy and Plan:

With your insights gathered from the birth chart, Human Design analysis, and storytelling alchemy, I’ll devise a strategic plan to align your brand’s style and actions with your combined astrological and Human Design imprint. This customized approach will provide clarity and direction for reaching and attracting your soul clients with IMPRESSIONABLE messaging.

Together, we will embark on a journey that transcends traditional marketing methods by exploring the depths of your cosmic self, resulting in a brand and message that is truly in harmony with your stellar imprint and calls in your soul clients.

Shipping & Your InfoWhere to ship your Honeycomb Almanac
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Get my eagle eye on your website

A video audit and written suggestions for improving your message and brand Grab the optional upgrade to get my eyes on your website. You'll receive a video audit and written suggestions on how to apply your refined message and brand style to your website. And as a bonus, you'll receive my "Highly-resonant Decolonial Sales Page template" ($500 value)

Order Summary
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✨Our Focus✨

☉ Explore your Astrology + Human Design in relation to your offer messaging and visual branding

Need a website audit in preparation to apply this branding and messaging to your website?

Grab the optional upgrade to get my eyes on your website. You'll receive my eagle eye video audit and written suggestions on how to apply your refined message and brand style to your website (based on your stellar imprint, new messaging and brand style). And as a bonus, you'll receive my "Highly-resonant Decolonial Sales Page template" ($1055 value, today $555)

I've been studying astrology since I was 8 years old. And I'm a certified Master Marketer with a lens for Feminist and Decolonial marketing. I am well-prepared to synthesized my understanding of patterns in our lives so you deepen your relationship with the planets and cosmos in alignment with your passions, role, and service to changemaking.

Looking forward to exploring your chart and refining your message and brand style! Thank you ✨ Ixchel

✨What's included✨

✨ 2-hour Astrology + Human Design Reading ($555 value)

✨ A Core Message and Brand Strategy aligned with your natal charts (Astrology and Human Design) ($1000 value)

✨ A Brand Board with a style guide, Brand Promise and Brand Vision that is in alignment with your core message ($500 value)

✨ Recordings of the session

✨ Transcripts of the session

✨ Introduction to Archetypal Astrology PDF

✨ Befriending Time Course, a cultural prerequisite to decolonizing Time. ($44 value)

✨ You'll receive a PDF with a Honeycomb Astrology Almanac made-to-order based on your natal chart and personal transits for 12 months (a printed version will arrive separately in a few weeks). ($60 Value)

✨ Natal Astrology Chart, Human Design Chart, Gene Keys Chart, and a full Natal report and 6 months of transit interpretations. (It's worthy of binding, about 60+ pages, $250 Value)

✨ PLUS Video walkthroughs on Reading your Honeycomb Almanac and charts!

✨✨✨ You'll also have access to me via Flexible Voice Coaching on Voxer or Telegram for 4 weeks after the reading to map out your IMPRESSIONABLE Stellar Message that calls in your Soul clients, A Brand Board and Inspo Mood Board.

This is the most valuable part of this process.

The place for you to integrate your insights from the reading into wisdom as we connect the patterns that emerge from your reading to apply it to your IMPRESSIONABLE Stellar Message. Flexible Voice Coaching via Voxer or Telegram in a daily cadence.

Daily cadence means that I will be available by voice and text every business day Monday-Friday. You can message me anytime, and I will check my messages a few times a day and answer your questions. There are several reasons I’m switching it up to this versus follow-up Zoom calls.

➔ You and I can talk whenever and wherever and harness more creativity.

➔ We can process situations in the moment (or within 24hours) versus catching up about it later when the emotion has dissipated.

➔ I can help you with reflections or insights as they come up!

➔ There is less pressure to make sure we get through everything in one hour.

➔ We can chat either live back and forth, or leave messages for each other for later.

($1111 value)


2hr Session + 4 weeks of Flexible Voice Coaching to

Map your IMPRESSIONABLE Stellar Message and Branding Coaching

TODAY = $2222

✨What's included✨

✨ 2-hour Astrology + Human Design Reading ($555 value)

✨ A Core Message and Brand Strategy aligned with your natal charts (Astrology and Human Design) ($1000 value)

✨ A Brand Board with a style guide, Brand Promise and Brand Vision that is in alignment with your core message ($500 value)

✨ Recordings of the session

✨ Transcripts of the session

✨ Introduction to Archetypal Astrology PDF

✨ Befriending Time Course, a cultural prerequisite to decolonizing Time. ($44 value)

✨ You'll receive a PDF with a Honeycomb Astrology Almanac made-to-order based on your natal chart and personal transits for 12 months (a printed version will arrive separately in a few weeks). ($60 Value)

✨ Natal Astrology Chart, Human Design Chart, Gene Keys Chart, and a full Natal report and 6 months of transit interpretations. (It's worthy of binding, about 60+ pages, $250 Value)

✨ PLUS Video walkthroughs on Reading your Honeycomb Almanac and charts!

✨✨✨ You'll also have access to me via Flexible Voice Coaching on Voxer or Telegram for 4 weeks after the reading to map out your IMPRESSIONABLE Stellar Message that calls in your Soul clients, A Brand Board and Inspo Mood Board.

This is the most valuable part of this process.

The place for you to integrate your insights from the reading into wisdom as we connect the patterns that emerge from your reading to apply it to your IMPRESSIONABLE Stellar Message. Flexible Voice Coaching via Voxer or Telegram in a daily cadence.

Daily cadence means that I will be available by voice and text every business day Monday-Friday. You can message me anytime, and I will check my messages a few times a day and answer your questions. There are several reasons I’m switching it up to this versus follow-up Zoom calls.

➔ You and I can talk whenever and wherever and harness more creativity.

➔ We can process situations in the moment (or within 24hours) versus catching up about it later when the emotion has dissipated.

➔ I can help you with reflections or insights as they come up!

➔ There is less pressure to make sure we get through everything in one hour.

➔ We can chat either live back and forth, or leave messages for each other for later.

($1111 value)


2hr Session + 4 weeks of Flexible Voice Coaching to

Map your IMPRESSIONABLE Stellar Message and Branding Coaching

TODAY = $2222

  • Gain deeper awareness into your patterns and rhythms

  • Learn how your initiated wisdom informs your work in the world

  • Increase clarity on how to apply this knowledge in your life

✨ Bonuses ✨

Decolonizing Time

Foundations for Edgewalking Nepantla

Ixchel's core video teaching on shifting your relationship with Time with outlines of White Supremacy Culture, meanings of Time, how Time has been used against us, and the fundamentals of Flow and the Flow Cycle and the neurobiology of Flow.

Walk Away Knowing

  • Characteristics of White Supremacy

  • Colonial vs. Indigenous Time

  • The Flow Cycle

  • Neurochemistry of Flow

Radical Rest

R.E.S.T. Recipe, Declutter, Digital Detox, Dopamine Do-over, Do Diddly

Ground the (un)learning of systems of brutal productivity through relating with Time. Watch for cultural dopamine cycles so you don't get swept up, so you can reserve your energy for reclaiming your Time. Rest is resistance.

Walk Away With

  • A Shift in Relationship to Time

  • A Digital Detox to Clear Brain Fog

  • Tools to Protect your Dopamine

  • How Leaders prep for Seasonal Boundless Vision Retreats

✨ Client Love ✨

"I absolutely adore and respect Ixchel and her deep wisdom. As an astrologer myself, Ixchel has a most beautiful take integrating archetypal astrology, gene keys, and human design. I love how they bring in all these modalities to do deep dives, it's like being able to see your chart at a fractal level up close and big picture.

"I love how Ixchel followed up with resources so I could follow up on the learnings to expand my own astro wisdom."

— Leslie Tagorda, creator of the AstroBrand™ Method

"This Stellar Astro/HD session was my first introduction to Human Design, and it was extremely eye-opening (and even consciousness-opening, I would say).

"I felt that this session opened me up to new possibilities for this chapter of my life and brought together so many different threads in a way I wouldn't have seen on my own.

It's the start of a new journey for me! I can't wait to delve in more!"

— Allegra Cramb, Language Consultant

Some of my Astrology and Human Design Mentors:

Stan Grof and Richard Tarnas
Renn Butler
Adam Sommer
Unlock Your Design - Business by Design
Becca Tarnas
Unlock Your Design - Business by Design
Unlock Your Design - Bella Crystal
Becca Tarnas
Gene Keys Richard Rudd
Unlock Your Design - Business by Design
Unlock Your Design - Bella Crystal



✨ Decolonial Time Mender ✨

...and I know what’s possible when we give ourselves Time and Space for Rest

As the oldest (Gen Xer) of a vast mixed family, I learned to create belonging (and lots of spicy food) by weaving on-the-ground politics; deep training in ancestral ways of being and plant medicine; and exploring shared stories written in the fabric of Time. For nearly 3 decades I’ve committed myself to social justice work, organizing for communities of culture and serving in local politics.

My first twenty years I learned it wasn’t safe to be seen as I fought to survive in a world where I felt I wasn’t invited and didn’t belong.

“Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, Grow, Grow.”

— The Talmud

Yet through conscious daily practice in the company of many angels in differing forms over the last thirty-five years I discovered strength in surrounding myself with the community of others (including people, plants and pollinators) that helped me feel a sense of belonging — re-membering how to feel safe in my skin and embedded in the natural world while being ok with the discomfort of dismantling systems on the daily.

“We are the ones

we’ve been waiting for.”

— Alice Walker

quoting June Jordan

Here's what all of this means for you:

I have developed a keen sense of centering justice, emergence, decolonizing, interconnectedness. I view the world, our bodies and our Work as emergent as we create new, just ways of thriving. I can help you dance with the cycles and flow in your life, helping you deepen your leadership capacities from this space of integration and interconnectedness too.

As a Neuro-Emergent, Mestize Writer, Coach, and Guide, I bring a diverse skillset to support you in creating decolonial business practices.

With 25+ years as a webdeva, a Certified Feminist Copywriter from Kelly Diels, Certified Master Marketer, from Funnel Gorgeous & Certified High-Flow Coach from the Flow Research Collective, I bring an integrated, holistic approach to your strategy, leadership, & marketing.

Flow rituals to thrive with a planet in transition.

In addition to the supportive skillset & certifications above, I also bring 40+ years of planetary wisdom in relationship with Western and Mayan Astrology, plus Human Design insights to help you tune into your natural cycles & rhythms to cultivate more flow & ease as you grow your company and culture.

I know the consequences of when we go-go-go...

I know all too well what it means to girlboss too close to the sun and crash because of it.

  • I was the first Mestize Vice-Mayor of my city, I learned to become comfortable being a first and only in the room, taking the opportunity to hold the door for more BIPOC leaders to enter.

  • With decades of tech experience as a web deva and political activist and organizer, I co-founded the Tech and Telecomm Committee for my city.

  • Between 2009-2013 I was appointed to serve on two San Francisco Bay Area government boards where I enacted progressive social and environmental policy for approximately 11 million people, including shifting stigma to sway my colleagues on the Board of Directors to fund the suicide net for the Golden Gate Bridge.

  • In 2011-12, I even ran for congress.

A little more about me…

  • My Land Lineage is written below...

  • I also hold a Masters degree in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies (with a focus on Integral Ecology) and a B.A. in Gender + Women Studies from Mills College, and I'm certified in Permaculture Design, PLUS, I am Fellow of the Leadership Institute for Just and Resilient Communities.

  • I’m a permaculturalist, I love growing herbs and plant dyes for the bees and butterflies (I wrote book on it), and making alchemical herbal medicines.

  • I like to spin yarn, and avidly collect indigenous textiles. I ran an ethical pashmina business in Nepal.

  • My Spanish is terrible, and French is a lingering memory, thanks to my parents assimilation. But I speak several coding languages and Astrology and I’m learning my Indigenous ancestors languages, K’iche Mayan and Runasimi (Quechua).

  • At a mighty 4’10”, I'm an Indigenous, Queer, vision-impaired, neuro-emergent medicine carrier. As a survivor of significant childhood trauma, (ACE-Q score is 10+6), my life’s work is infused with JEDI activism (Justice-centering, Emergence, Decolonizing, Interconnecting).

All that to say…

I weave together Anti-Racist Decolonial Feminist business practices (this is NOT white woman feminism), initiated leadership strategies, and the best of neuroscience together to help Edgewalkers like you decolonize and reclaim your time, skip the burnout and liberate your Flow.

This dyadic process isn’t prescriptive. You’re not learning what worked for me.

Cultivate your rituals around how Flow works for you, honoring your cycles, your rhythm and pace, and your body's capacity, while unlearning the colonial systems that disrupt your natural states of being.

Why? Because capacity scales.

(hat tip to Steven Kotler)

And when your capacity scales… so does your impact.

Your Sanctuary to Thrive in Wild Presence with a Planet in Transition

Stay wild, love fiercely. Your presence is golden.

Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a vehicle to provide medical advice, diagnosis, opinion, or treatment, nor as a substitute for medical or professional care. Ixchel Lunar and Ixchel Rainbow Living are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, or any other information or services you obtain through this site. Reliance on the information contained on this website is solely at your own risk.

Land Lineage

I was raised and bore children on the traditional, unceded and stolen lands of the Coast and Central Valley Miwok (colonized as Petaluma, CA) and Nisenan (colonized as Sacramento and Fair Oaks, CA), past, present, and future. I also write, work, and live at the base of Huitepec in the highland forest of the traditional, unceded and stolen lands of the Winik Atel (Tzeltal) and Batsil Winik’ Otik (Tzotzil), past present and future, in what is known as San Cristobal Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.